Yeah, I think they are really bringing to light the difference in the gaming crowds. There's those who are woo'ed by graphics and flash, and those who appreciate pure, beautifully intuitive gameplay. Not to say there can't be both, but when it comes down to it, if the game isn't fun, all the flash and sparkle in the world isn't going to make me keep playing it just to see the next transparent surface reflection.

It makes me think of Hollywood blockbuster movies. There will always be a crowd who will go see the next trillion dollar effect movie even though it is devoid of soul and story. But for my money, give me an indie made on a camcorder that has heart and a plot.

I mean, I get it, I like the 1080p badassness too. It's amazing to look at, but once you get over that, there better be some gameplay to back it up. Nintendo knows that. And what's awesome about it is that they are pushing pretty major innovations in gameplay and doing it while not losing money on every console they sell, and while attracting "non core audience" gamers into the fold. Pretty brilliant if you ask me.
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