Ok, where am I going to get a Wii (for retail price) before March? Arrrgh.

My brother brought his over to our parents yesterday and it was definitely fun. I didn't break the strap on his wimote, but I did let it lose once playing tennis and while trying to bowl with my left hand, I smacked it into a metal bowl on the coffee table and threw the remote across the room and into the speaker grill below my parent's TV. Oops! Not wearing the strap for that left handed madness.
Anyone have any bowling tips? I coulnd't really figure out what would make the ball hook left near the end of the lane. I tried different angle and spin techniques with the wiimote but could never get it to spin/hook to the right.
Zelda, as others have said, looks awesome. Plays fairly well. Tried it only for a minute but watched my brother play for about an hour (I had to figure what to do for him a number of times
