I have Madden 2007, and enjoy it. Keep in mind I don't know anything at all about football, it has been a goal of my roommate's to teach me football the last couple of years. Between the Cardinals and ASU, he loses heart and can't watch it halfway through the season, and I lose all retention

The controls are 'different' if you don't know football. If you do, they might be pretty easy to pick up, such as a stiff arm you stick your arm out. It's kind of hard to explain. I will say this, there is a learning curve. The first 2v2 we played as co-op, we lost something like 403-46. I was probably a huge handicap, but it was still pretty depressing

Near the end of the game the strategy moved from 'try to win' to 'try to keep them under 400'. It was fun enough that it kept our interest.