I've found a huge problem with Zelda. While playing it, real-world time slips by at an incredibly fast rate. All it takes is one "just another 5 minutes and I'll shut it down" to find a whole hour gone by. Before you know it it's 4am and you're crawling into bed with, what in the morning will probably be, a pissed off girlfriend.

I don't know if I can stop playing this one to try the N64 Ocarina.... I do remember little parts of that one because it's probably the last I saw my brother play while we still lived together. I'd also have to borrow the N64 from my him as I don't believe that title has been release as part of teh Virtual Console yet, has it? Not to mention I also don't have any other controllers yet (classic or Gamecube). So it's a hard life and I'll have to stick with Twilight for now. Heh.