I think, however, that simply "adding a channel" is not enough. You have to then write whatever goes into that channel to control the DVD
Well, true, but I was only referring to the interface layout. That, I think, would not become more compless or difficut to use. Actualy, controlling a DVD in some creative way with the Nunchaku, for example, could 've been something nice and unique. Wii could easily become the nicest dvd player in the market just for that. 
The code behind it would certainly become more complex, on the other hand, but that would fall into what we said before in points 1, 3, and 4.
If such complexity caused any of what you said in 1, 2, 4, then I aagree it would not be good; but, that is not necessarily the case.
In short, I've felt like it would be a nice-to-have if the Wii would play DVDs. However, I wouldn't have wanted to pay even $25 more for that functionatlity, nor would I want to sacrifice anything the Wii currently offers.
I would have probably paid $25 more, but like you I wouldn't have wanted to sacrifice anything to it.
= Taym =
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