One more thing: would you say that you tend to move the whole Wiimote to make the motions, or is it more like you're drawing, so the front tip is moving more than the back?
I definitely move the whole remote. In fact, I have a tendency to start the "heart" with my hands turn inward and both the nunchuck and remote pointed straight up- I'll then tilt them out as I complete the heart. This method neither helps nor hinders, but it does feel more "artistic" 
I hope this all helps- I'm not really certain I'm saying anything of value. It just kind of came naturally to me, so that's what I'm trying to describe. I must admit, it kind of sucks that playing the game normally would be something you'd have to get tips on. It sounds like my brother-in-law and I are fairly unique in getting them right off- I guess I should probably revise that part of my review 
Edited by JeffS (07/03/2007 20:07)
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.