I'm currently battling boredom and feelings of aggression in the Goron Mines - the lava dungeon.
The puzzles aren't a problem. The combat isn't a problem (once you figure out weaknesses of what you're fighting). Basic running is my biggest challenge.
As the camera changes angle you have to compensate with your controller. So you might be pulling back (down) on the stick to run "ahead" and suddenly the camera shifts and you're now turning left or something similar. I find it a total pain in the ass trying to run and jump from small platform to small platform while avoiding lava giesers.
The save issue means that if I want to quit I have to go all the way back to the start of the dungeon. The part with the timing I'm stuck at is in the third room. The first two rooms are already a pain in the ass. At least when you die in the third room you can just continue from its entrance (losing one heart's worth of energy up to twice before it's game over). When it's Game Over you can continue again of course and you're better off actually because you're only down one heart. But the Game Over prompt takes seconds to appear and then another second to actually load the room back up again. Plus the monsters are all regenerated again.
Nintendo have done wonders with the graphics and have decent controls (the lame camera and running aside), but they really need to revisit the core of game design. The Zelda series is still using saving conventions and level restarting principles that were necessary for the original 8-bit versions of the games with "save codes" for fixed locations and other early formats with limited save memory.
Why does Twilight only allow you 3 concurrent save games? Why no option to save directly to SD card instead of having to then copy from main save memory?
Anyone know of a cheat that helps with running/jumping? Something to auto-target or tweak the jump to always land on the desired mark would be awesome.

If you're off by just a sliver you're in the lava, poof. Having a chicken permanently in my inventory would be great for jump/gliding.
While games like Wii sports are for non-gamers, Zelda is very much for Gamers. And I haven't been a "Gamer" in 20 years so it's taking some getting used to. I just wish right now I had a greater sense of excitement and less one of dread (of having to see that Lava dungeon for one minute more and knowing I have all the jumping to do over again...
The chicken thing is Ooccoo and I used it in the first dungeon (Forest Temple) to teleport outside to save - this is a big time saver to get back to the room you teleported out from. But that Dungeon was pretty straight forward and all its jumping around was very easy for me. In this dungeon it's not come up yet in the three first rooms.