Also, found an eBay seller clearing out his Game Cube games, so I bought the ones I always wanted:
Zelda: Wind Waker
Wind Waker got slammed due to the graphics. Frankly, it was the best single player game on the Gamecube (best multiplayer being Mario Kart - but that's my preference). IMO, it only has two flaws: the long sailing distances, and the second act of the game. In the end, it's one of my favorite Zelda games.
My brother just got a PS3 and while its UI and the console itself look like utter (pretentious) garbage, it has some really nice titles available. Some also available for the XBOX 360 but some, like Uncharted, are exclusive.
I know I'll come off as a "Nintendo fanboy," but what games? As far as I could see, the only PS3 titles that looked any good are Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted. As far as I've seen the 360 has a far better selection of games.
At the moment, I can't really suggest any other Wii games to anybody. I must sadly agree that they've not really released any top-notch games. But that problem has two somewhat related causes:
1) It's the beginning of the product's life cycle. None of the current consoles are having or had a great start. From the outside, it looked to me like the 360 didn't really have any great games for the first six months or so.
2) Game development cycles are
long, and all the third party developers thought the PS3 was going to be huge, any many didn't even look at Nintendo. Frankly, even fewer did when the Wii was unveiled. Now they're all scrambling to develop games for the number one selling console, but we won't see those games for months, if not a couple years!
Anyway, now that I've filled my fanboy quota, I'll back off

Hell, I have to stick up for it. I've never owned the number one selling console before. I started with the Sega Master System, then got the Super Nintendo (which only pulled ahead very late in that generation), then the N64, then the Gamecube. Finally I bet on the right horse! (at least it appears so for now
