Ok, I've finished Zelda... And though it had some nice sequences during the credits through till the final frames, I was a little underwhelmed. I knew it would finish right after a final battle, but to me that's not the right way to do things. You don't put the climax of a story in its final page.
So I loved the game, but I still stand by my comment from last week, that the second half seemed much more like going through the motions than anything else. Maybe it was just the sense that the end was coming. But I truly think they could have worked out the pacing of the story a little differently.
Soooo... Now that I'm done, what do I do? I tried a little Ray Man last night and... I suck.

Well, at some events anyway. I don't like the one where you have to tilt the remote to guide a ball through a maze. Zelda has a similar mini-game in it so I knew I'd be terrible at this one. I could try it a few times and hopefully get better, but each time I do I feel like I'm going to scream because of the frustration. The other mini-games don't do that to me, so I generally don't have a problem trying them over and over.
I discovered the pig racing was pretty difficult as well, though I only did it twice. Difficulty steering was my primary weakness there. The navigation controls in the game's menus are a bit annoying - not really well thought out at all. I can see this being an issue in the future if games don't standardize on some button actions.
Anyone have any insight into the Score mode? I successfully completed a number of games but didn't see any new ones open up (for instance the dancing bunny-zapping one... Did the two available to me but no others became available...)
Going to try a bit of Wii Sports now...