This is annoying (what else do you expect from me?), but a big "ditto" to everything Bitt just said. I really hate to say it, Tom, but I've never experienced 90% of the problems you're having, and for fear of proving certain people on this forum correct, it sounds like the biggest problem with Android today is the skinning done by the manufacturers. I still don't think that the OS fragmentation is as big a deal as people make of it, but the skinning is, and that's a big problem.

Google made a big deal about this to these companies - how they could differentiate themselves from the other guys with their own skins. Apparently Motorola forgot that they're awful at writing software... (and the others are no better)

And Dan, I fear that your problem with the GPS glitch has something to do with this too. I never once had the problems that you or Tom are experiencing with your GPS. Like Bitt, mine worked perfectly in Phoenix, and hasn't led me astray the few times I've used it around my own area...