Matt has been working with me over IM, and now we are both a little puzzled. It seems my phone is doing things that shouldn't be possible till 2.2, like exchange calendar support. Also, the HTML e-mail that gave the phone problems looks fine if I send it to my IMAP account, and I also sent one to Matt to a POP account on his 2.2 phone. So for some reason, it's only busted when looking at it via my exchange account. Possible more Samsung or AT&T foolery under the hood here.

Funny, I pegged you as a non-iPhone kind of guy.

I have changed a bit over the years, leaning more towards tech products and software that work well and have a high level of polish. I attribute it to two things, one my initial adoption of OS X for computing at home and work, and now also my job focus. I am in a position now that has me considering end user use of products a lot. End users either being actual paying customers of the games I work on, or also coworkers in other disciplines like art or production. The easier things are for them, the easier my job is, as I'm not being bugged with support questions as much. In this transition, I'm much less interested about under the hood things about how it works, and have lost a lot of my tinkering spirit. It's still been somewhat jarring to see things like "" and such sprinkled all over the place in the user interface of Android. It's a very techie thing to show and expose.