I don't think you'll have the Droid as an option for much longer. I think they won't be selling it any more...
Tom, I'm not sure what to say about the battery issue. I don't really have an issue with it. On an average day with a good deal of work, I'll have two or three support calls, and during such a day:
- I'll listen to podcasts in the car in-between clients
- I keep the WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS on at all times
- I check email on it constantly
- I write constant email reminders
- when waiting in line or something, I'll play a game of Air Control
- I browse the web or use IMDb for tidbits of info
- whatever other stuff I do with my smartphone that I can't even remember
I consider that to be pretty heavy use of the phone. On some days of use like this, I have to charge the phone when I get home. That's no problem for me, as we have micro USB chargers in three places in our home to charge my phone, my wife's work Blackberry, and her Kindle.
But most days, it's just enough to get me through, and I don't have a problem with that. These phones are doing a whole lot, so I don't expect any of them to last that long.
Besides, didn't you connect your iPhone to your computer when you got home to sync your podcast positions?