What do you Android guys think of this one.
LINKTo be honest, I probably wouldn't recommend that phone, purely due to the speed. It's 600Mhz, which is just a hair faster than the first round of Android phones from the beginning of '09. It'll be faster than most of those because of 2.2 (if it has the JIT), but it's still going to be slow.
The plans are good though...
That's what some of the comments say on the Virgin site but then some people come back saying that it's faster than that because it has multiple processors. What kind of processor speeds does something like the Nexus S (which I am thinking is the Cadillac of Android phones)have ?
The other one they offer is a Samsung
http://www.virginmobileusa.com/cell-phones/samsung-intercept-phone.jspThe downside to this one is it only has 2.1 and it sounds like Samsung never updates their stuff.
I originally thought I would want a physical keyboard but after using a horizontal sliding one like this phone i'm thinking the on screen would be better. Plus the phone is smaller without one. I haven't tried an on screen one though so I might hate that more

That's one thing that sucks with the Virgin Mobile stuff I have never seen working demo units anyplace.