Well, the 3GS runs OS4.x and is "only" 600MHz too... though yes, it's a Cortex-A8 600MHz and not an ARM11 600MHz, which is a decent difference and further reinforces why it's stupid comparing clock rates between architectures even from the same vendor (eg: original 1GHz snapdragons vs the new 1GHz snapdragons)
That's true, and thanks for the input. Though, I'd point out that while it might be the speed of the 3GS, that phone is also nearing two years old now.
The onscreen keyboard on the Optimus should be pretty much like any other Android phone. Play with another one and see how it works for you. I thought I'd hate the onscreen keyboards, too, but, other than every once in a while when I can't seem to type anything to save my life, I've been pretty pleased with the normal Android keyboard.
I'm right there with you, Bitt. I chose to get the G1 for two reasons: it did GMail better than the iPhone, and it had a physical keyboard. I insisted that I hated on-screen keyboards. I've changed my tune on the keyboard (Android still does GMail better than any other phone, though

The one caveat I'd have about the virtual keyboard on the Optimus (and the Intercept, now that I look at it), though, is that the 3.2" screen is smaller than average. That might make the keyboard pretty cramped. For comparison, the iPhone is 3.5" (the difference might not seem like much, but it is), the Nexus One is 3.7", and the Nexus S is 4".
One solution might be to buy a used phone and bring it to Virgin. Unfortunately, Virgin is an MVNO of Sprint here in the US, so it's CDMA, which might be tricky. Does anyone know if this would be possible? You might have to give Virgin a call to find out. Also unfortunate is that Sprint doesn't have the best selection of Android phones to begin with. I'm not sure which one I'd recommend if you were going with them, either...
ps- A grammar question for you, Bitt: I actually looked this one up, but couldn't find much. If I'm ending a sentence with a measurement (like 4"), do I still put the period inside the quotes? It seems wrong to me, but that happens a great deal

I also stumbled across some page that claimed there were instances in which you put a question mark outside a quote, but I'm not sure about that either...