Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Originally Posted By: Dignan
I don't think that's true at all. I would certainly pay, but what I get in return has to be reasonable, and it's going to be quite a long time before that's the case.

Ok, so that's one person who "would" pay but won't actually pay. So zero sale.

Well to be fair, in all these discussions about ditching cable and going over the top, I'm an outlier who I never include in the conversation. First, I watch way too much TV, and not everything I watch is available or makes financial sense if I ditch cable (or FIOS, which I have). Plus I watch PTI on ESPN every day, and there's no way to do that without cable.

I didn't ask about seek performance because frankly, I'm just not seeing what you're seeing. I see no performance issues. Sometimes I think it skips a little too far in either direction, but that's not a performance issue, just a programming one, and I can live with it.

Have you ever used MPlayer or another video player where you can instantly skip forward or backward a specific number of seconds? MPlayer offers two skip amounts in each direction. VLC offers three and they're configurable. SageTV has two by default on their standard remote. When you press one of them the video jumps instantly and begins playing without a hiccup. If you press any of the skips multiple times, you can do so as quickly as you'd like, including holding the button down and the progress bar moves steadily in response to your button presses and video starts playing instantly when you stop issuing the commands.

In the Boxee software on the desktop if you queued up multiple skips like this, even just repeatedly tapping a skip command, video would freeze up and you'd be sitting there watching a paused/frozen frame. On the Box I didn't find the complete freeze, but I didn't find seeking to be instantly responsive, especially when issuing multiple commands. I'm going to have to look at this again in 1.0 to describe exactly what's going on, but if you give MPlayer a look you can also better compare what I'm talking about.

I understood what you were looking for, and I've used MPlayer for years (it's not my player of choice, but I've used it on and off for as long as I can remember). What I said is that I'm simply not seeing the seek problems you are. As far as I can tell it's instantaneous. I have noticed issues if I skip forward several times, but I had chalked that up to buffering.

Basically, I had no problem with it, so it doesn't bother me. If you send a tweet to Boxee_help I'm sure someone will respond to you smile

I found that the 1.0 didn't even offer very good focus on online content - it was just a mess of random crap that was super difficult to navigate and there was no real solution to filtering or sorting.

That's another problem altogether. I was mainly complaining that this "mess of random crap" was all pushed to the forefront, when I was wanting the opposite, for that random crap to be moved out of the combined local/online view. But they chose to move the local out and feature a giant list of 2000+ horrible, horrible films. And even if 1% of those are actually decent, good luck finding 20 OK movies in a list of 2000.