Yeah, okay. Simple enough to just use the existing 12V for power.
I just find it a bit weird to be going through so many contortions to get voltages that already exist in fine form from the empeg.

The BT module REALLY wants 3.3V. But it doesn't have a suitable input on the dev board for that. So we feed it 5V, and it has an onboard power supply to make that into what it wants: 3.3V. The empeg has both of those available, but instead we're feeding it 12V. Just seems peculiar, though convenient.
But yeah, let's have just one voltage out for now, and the existing 12V is probably it.
I didn't realize that the tuner molex has only 7/8 pins populated -- I have replacement connectors for it here, so mine have all 8 pins.

Perhaps I'll use the "spare" unpopulated pin for my own purposes..