Thank you so much, Mark!

Later, much, if that's okay.

Always OK. One of the nice things about posting on the BBS is that there's no obligation for anyone to answer immediately until/unless they want to. Of course there's no obligation to answer a tweet, an email, a text, or a phone call, either, but those each seem to carry increasing levels of urgency. I kind of see BBS posts as the bottom of that hierarchy.

No, we can achieve the same effect with a bunch of resistors on all of the interconnect lines. But for your semi-dead board, this would be a simpler fix.

I'll give it a try for that board and see if it solves the problem. Thanks so much for the information about which part to order.

I think that, long term, the resistors are a better idea because they don't involve desoldering a surface mount device on one of our components. I could also design the resistors into my final PCB for the external box design, which would make assembly of future units much easier.

Your plan for the resistors, are you thinking entirely inline, i.e:
Empeg SCK -> Resistor -> BlueGiga SCK
Or would it have to be two resistors in a voltage divider configuration?

the acceptable logic levels on inputs to the WT32i must be no higher at any time than the supply voltage plus 0.3V.

Aha, that's the secret I didn't understand. So you think that too-high logic levels might fry the chip? If that's what fried it, replacing the voltage regulator on the chip might not fix anything, but it's worth a try since those items from Digikey are cheap.

Thank you!
Tony Fabris