Thanks so much, Mark!

I have noticed a small bug in Hijack V523: Not all of the track data is echoed to the serial port when the player is paused and you switch to a new track.

- The Z "source" line does not echo to the serial port when the player is paused.

- The D "duration" line does not echo to the serial port after the "N" line when the player is paused.

- When the player is paused, A D "duration" line appears *before* the N line very quickly but I am not certain whether it is the prior track's D line coming out finally, or if it is the correct D line for the current track.

- When the player is playing, everything is normal except that the Z and D lines appear slowly, sometimes taking a few seconds to appear after pressing next track. In your last update you seemed to think that you'd made them happen faster, but I still see a fairly long pause most of the times after I press Next Track.


I'm having another bug (only discovered late last night) which is happening as a secondary side effect of my code changes to work with the deduplication feature in v523. So I'm wondering if we should just go back to the old way. I can go into more detail on that bug if you like, but I think the bug would go away if we switched back to the old way of not deduplicating the serial port output.

I think the deduplication might be too complicated now and might be making more subtle and hard to find bugs appear. Initially I was able to work with it, but there are more things cropping up. The original reason you put in the deduplication feature, where it repeats the same track data four times, is something that I might be able to fix in my own code and not have to have Hijack be responsible for working around that player bug.

Thanks so much for working so hard on this with me. It's really awesome so far and I might make a video of my current setup soon.
Tony Fabris