I've been going through the parts prices and I think I'll be offering the BGE for about this much. This covers basically my costs for obtaining the parts and assembling them, with a very small margin to help cover my time and effort.

I'm not trying to make a profit on these since I know there will only ever be a handful made. Just want to make something cool available to the empeg owners that need it.
1. BlueGigaEmpeg PCB and components, assembled: $79.00 plus shipping.
Does not include:
- 3D printed case, I'll give you the Blender file so you can have it printed yourself.
- BetzTechnik Bluetooth board, you'd need to order it yourself, update its firmware, cut a jumper, desolder a capacitor, and solder on the pin headers.
- Arduino Mega board, you'd have to modify the Arduino compiler yourself and upload the BGE firmware.
2. The same as above, but I send you the 3D printed case too, prechecked to guarantee fit: $159.00 plus shipping.
3. Fully assembled box with the Betz Board, Arduino, and BlueGigaEmpeg board inside, with all firmwares preloaded: $259.00 plus shipping.
All of the above still requires that you perform
this modification to your empeg interior, so this project is only for folks who can already safely disassemble their player without snapping stuff off the back of the display board (or other kinds of damage) in the process. It also requires updating Hijack and Config.ini on the empeg.
The above is a preliminary non-final estimate. I don't have my first 3D printed prototype of the case yet (it's on its way), and I don't have the final PCB's from Pad2Pad yet (they're on their way), and I still haven't got any additional boards from Peter Betz yet (he's kind of taking his time on them).
Sound OK?