Gag. All of this added complexity because they use 2.5V instead of 3.3V.

The reset pin on the WT32i has to be pulled HIGH during power-on. This should happen with our resistors/diode circuit, but one could give it a helping hand by adding another 10K resistor to pull up the RST signal directly to 2.5V (3.3V).

So that would go betweeen the RST terminal to the 3.3V terminal on the Betz board. Our existing stuff also connects to the RST pin via the diode. No change there.

[EDIT] Of course this might also mean that our existing circuit has to use smaller resistors, to overcome the added 10K pullup. I'll try and breadboard this here today and see what is needed and where.

Edited by mlord (29/12/2017 14:38)