Awesome! Thank you!
So here's what I've got so far:
- JBjorgen wants one where I send him the assembled BlueGigaEmpeg PCB, and he sources the other parts (BetzTechnik board, Arduino board, Enclosure).
- Jarob10 wants at least one fully assembled module. Perhaps two; will get final count once stuff is ready to ship.
- Daria wants one fully assemble module.
- CaseySE wants three fully assembled modules.
Currently that's a total of six, perhaps seven, and the majority of folks are wanting them fully assembled. I will try to process them in the order requested in this thread. When I'm ready to ship something I'll contact each of you to find out how you want them shipped, figure out the shipping, and then send you paypal details with the final price that includes shipping.
I think I will be ordering all of the Betz boards that he has on order, just to guarantee that I've got a small amount of overstock in case other folks chime in to want more than what's already been posted in this thread.
Current status:
- I should have my final PCBs in the mail by approx February 2 and can assemble them almost immediately. I have enough Digikey parts on hand to assemble most of them and will order the remainder to come in pretty quickly.
- My first 3D printed enclosure box is in the mailbox at home waiting for me, and I'll try it out tomorrow when I get home. I'll make final tweaks based on that, and order the rest of the enclosures to arrive ASAP.
- Peter Betz has his order of 10 WT32i boards in process with his Chinese supplier, who likely won't be able to complete his order until after Chinese New Year, which is mid-February.
I might be able to get one more in from Peter before that: He had a couple defunct units on his bench that he was able to resurrect with jumper wires because I'd discovered the source of the problem (it was the Via problem mentioned earlier in this thread). John Bjorgen, would you prefer to source the Betz board directly from Peter Betz, so I should leave one with him instead of cleaning out his stock, or, would you rather that I just buy all the ones that he has, and then ship you a fully-assembled unit anyway? Not sure which is easier for shipping to Mexico.
As before, reminder to everyone that you need to have the skill level to disassemble your Empeg safely without damaging it, and do the
I2S modification.
I've been keeping the
README.txt file updated, which has much more detail about the work needed to implement this. Feel free to look through that ahead of time: That's your instruction sheet now!

Final note: I'm certain that the thing I send you will encounter bugs in the bluetooth software in the future. I intend to keep the software maintained, and I might need to work with you on bug repros if any of you encounter problems. Have a look through the
current issues that I'm debugging to get an idea of the level of stability of the code. I use the thing every day now, and I'm at the point where if I encounter any issue, it's rare, and is solved simply by rebooting the bluetooth module. The reboot is super easy: You merely longpress on the top button on the empeg's front panel to put it to sleep, then wake it up again. Sleeping the empeg and waking it up again bounces the power on the tuner connector that powers the bluetooth module.