Yeah, thanks for the easy firmware update instructions. I used my work laptop to do that earlier today.
I've been poking around Hijack and the empeg more, gradually remembering how the serial port stuff all works. It looks like some surgery is needed there to enable full use of the serial port for the BT module. Currently, any input from the BT goes right to the player, causing all kinds of weird things to happen at high speed.

I think I'll create a special fake serial device, and redirect everything for the player to that on startup, when directed so by a suitable config.ini entry (eg.
btmode=1). That would get the player completely out of the way, while still being able to capture its output (for /proc/empeg_notify), as well as still being able to inject commands back into it.
I wonder if anyone out there is still using "apps" on the empeg? Probably, so will try and keep that working. The code will get a bit messier than necessary for that, but c'est la vie.